Pennsylvania Carbon Capture Opportunities

Given the foundational role that the power and industrial sectors have played in Pennsylvania’s history, the state realizes the vital role that carbon capture can play in furthering their economic development while also reducing their emissions. The state has called for several studies related to carbon capture, particularly looking into the state’s capacity for geologic storage. A 2009 assessment estimates that the state has the potential to store roughly 2.4 billion metric tons of CO2. In addition to the potential for geologic storage of captured carbon, the state is also a significant source of CO2. Of the state’s 281 facilities, 47 are eligible for the 45Q federal tax credit. These 47 facilities are responsible for 85 percent of non-biogenic CO2 emissions from industrial and power facilities in Pennsylvania. Currently, the Governor’s Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Inter-Agency Work Group coordinates collaboration opportunities within the state and region.

45Q Tax Credit for Carbon Capture Across the US

Industrial Facilities that Qualify for the Tax Credit in Pennsylvania

The Regional Carbon Capture Deployment Initiative has identified industrial facilities in numerous states as early candidates for carbon capture retrofits. These facilities could qualify for the revamped federal 45Q tax credit for projects that capture carbon from industrial facilities and power plants for geologic storage and beneficial use. Facilities were selected based on emissions, equipment, and estimated capture cost.



Carbon Capture Potential

Economically Feasible Industries in Pennsylvania

The Regional Carbon Capture Deployment Initiative estimated theoretical capture costs based on published capture equipment costs, facility-specific operational patterns, existing equipment, and level of emissions. Based on that data, the graphic below displays several of Pennsylvania most likely economically feasible candidates for capture, along with estimated capturable emissions in million metric tons and estimated range of capture costs for facilities in each industry. This list is not meant to be definitive. Commercial decisions by participating companies and policy and regulatory decisions by state governments will ultimately determine if a project is feasible for carbon capture. “Captured Emissions” refers to the amount of carbon dioxide that can be expected to be captured at a facility considering relevant technological and economic constraints.